Fabrício Silva

Front-End Developer

São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil

16 99177-1556 | 11 95278-9960


Web developer specialized in front-end, with more than 8 years of experience structuring, developing and implementing web and mobile applications. I have solid knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, and Ionic; but I also like Vue, ReactJS, React Native, NodeJS, MongoDB and Serverless. I am interested in creating great experiences for users, performance in applications, working with agile practices, leading people, coffees and beers.

Main skills

Work Experience

Web Developer focused on front-end, Beyond Soluções (BTG Pactual Digital)

- - São Paulo, SP

  • Responsible for building UI interfaces into B2B Portal;
  • Working in new features and maintaining legacy;
  • Fixes front-end bugs in production.

Web Developer focused on front-end, S2IT

- - Araraquara, SP

  • Responsible for design and build cross-browser web applications;
  • Maintain and improve legacy systems and fixing bugs;
  • Build unit and E2E automated tests to improve quality;
  • Work on an agile environment with cross-functional teams;
  • Focused on Angular and .NET Platform.

Front-end Developer / Hybrid Mobile Developer, IBM

- - Hortolândia, SP

  • Responsible for design and build hybrid mobile apps and web applications;
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver new products;
  • Focused on Ionic, Angular and Bluemix Platform.

Web Designer, Entire Technology Partners

- - Ribeirão Preto, SP

  • Responsible for create and prototype user interfaces;
  • Design and build web applications and mobile apps;
  • Focused on Cordova and .NET Platform.

Web Designer, SG&C Agência de Comunicação

- - Ribeirão Preto, SP

  • Responsible to develop websites, landing pages, hotsites, and emails marketing;
  • Collaborate with art directors and designers to create layout and prototype;
  • Focused on jQuery and PHP.


Specialization, Web Engineering

Senac | -

Bachelor, Advertising

Universidade de Ribeirão Preto | -

Programming Courses

Udemy | -

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS, .NET, DevOps

Pluralsight | -

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, Ionic, NodeJS

Alura | -

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB


Organizing the JavaScript

Howtocode / (15 hours)

Javascript and jQuery - Fundaments and libraries

Senac São Carlos / (40 hours)

CSS Architecture

Howtocode / (8 hours)

Web interfaces with HTML5 and CSS3

Howtocode / (12 hours)

HTML5 e CSS3 - Websites creation

Senac Ribeirão / (40 hours)

Web development whit HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Caelum / (40 hours)

Starting whit JavaScript

Howtocode / (15 hours)

